Out with the old, in with the new. Perspectives on where gaming might lead in 2019

2018 was another great year for us gamers. With more choice and genres than ever before, there is literally something for all ages.

2019 promises a plethora of new games that are sure to delight…

The dynamic duo – Mario and Luigi.

So I’ve been gaming for roughly 25+ years. Of the extensive list of video games I’ve played, I’ve been lucky enough to have been involved with many well-known (and some lesser known) titles. Ranging from Mortal Kombat to Halo, to Donkey Kong to Mario Kart to World of Warcraft and League of Legends. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that some of my fondest childhood memories were spent gaming. Now that I’m no longer a child however, and have entered that terrible state known as ‘adulthood’, I find myself becoming increasingly critical of my favourite hobby. That’s a topic for another time altogether, now I simply want to reflect on what changes to the game we might see in 2019. Please note these are purely the opinions of the author and everything you read here is subject to personal interpretation. Onwards!

  1. More integrated experiences between platforms

It wasn’t so long ago that the idea of cross-console play or even pc-console cross-play was just that – an idea. However I think that we only at the beginning of this trend, and 2019 is likely to see an even bigger pool of cross-play titles to choose from. Why is this good? It hel

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