Cyberpunk 2077 Is Here and It’s Glorious

Hey Folks, and welcome to what should be an honorable addition to the recreational gaming web-page, my all exclusive hands on impressions and literal journey through what is, without a doubt, one of the most hyped game releases of the decade and those who have played any of the Witcher series in particular knows what I’m talking about, but CD Projekt Red and their team have prided themselves on telling immersive game narratives and stories in that your actions and deeds have consequences that ripple through the game world.

So let’s begin.

Here’s my blow by blow account of a playthrough of a fresh toon, no cheating/abusing glitches or anything of the like, just another V’s journey. Or is it really??

Cyberpunk 2077, for the uninitiated, is the new game releasing worldwide on December 10. Yes, that’s right folks, that is just over a day away now so we here at the recreational gaming blog thought we’d not miss out on an opportunity to get in on the action and see just what all the fuss is about.

Hello there. “The name’s V, and baby – the drinks will be on me.”

I happen to be one of the lucky console owners of a limited Edition Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox one X which, funnily enough comes with the game pre-installed on the console and first expansion included. Now, before we get too excited, what are all the current reviewer’s saying about this game?? How could one possibly get to know and understand Night City, without having experienced it? Well that’s what I’m here to find out, and in the next couple of days and weeks what we will see and learn to understand is that there are plenty of choices on offer for players that enjoy seeing the payoff’s and effects of their involvement on the main quest, and the unfolding events in Night City in particular as it revolves around the protagonist named simply V.

I doubt that, in any reasonable case most reviewers who have played the game would understand that a proper play-through of the game is to really fall into what makes CD Projekt Red’s next game such a niche game, which appealed to many fans from the get-go. The initial teased trailer back in 2013 gave us just a small glimpse into – well – something. How does 2077 compare in Night City to what we have on Earth now. And more importantly, does the first-person role-playing game get to shine in Cyberpunk 2077??? We will find out.

Sometimes even heroes need a place to rest their head.

Starting tomorrow the coverage will be going live here, with my initial thoughts on the game, and where our protagonist V begins his first steps through Night City. Buckle your seat-belt folks, but remember this is a mature game for mature audiences and make no mistake this blog is also intended for a like audience. Will update this post in the early hours of tomorrow morning when the game officially goes live.

Til then you’ll have to put up with those reviews that will only serve to tantalize or dissuade you from playing the game when – again – you have to know your games to really appreciate what CD Projekt Red have attempted to do here.

I’ll leave it with this. In Night City, broken hearts are as common as a broken street lamp and our V will have to find a way to make his mark and still remain…somewhat human? In 2077’s Night City, that might be a lot harder than we realise.

And, a preview of the female protagonist V pictured above.

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